Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer Movie Smackdown! Battle #1: Iron Man vs. The Incredible Hulk


Well, the first movie face off on my summer movie bracket has a winner. I saw The Incredible Hulk last night, and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. When I first saw the previews for this (the one without the Tim Roth smack down), I wasn't very enthused. But, as we got glimpses of the action sequences, I became a bit more interested. My other concern though was that there would be far too much brooking and oh-woe-is-meing by Bruce Banner. Thankfully, it's not that bad. There's a nice amount of action here, even if one does get frustrated with the military's futile attempts to capture Banner. The final fight is what you'd expect and was pretty decent, but the biggest surprise is the non-Hulk moments. Ed Norton does a great job here and the chemistry he was with Liv Tyler is palpable. I can see why Ed got a little upset at them cutting out some of the character development, but the film is nicely paced in its current incarnation and I look forward to seeing those scenes on the DVD.

Now, how does the new and improved Hulk fare against Iron Man? Well, as Baron Ironfury pointed out the other day, The Incredible Hulk, doesn't have to worry itself about telling an origin story, and that definitely helps. However, as good as Ed Norton is, he simply can't compare to the fun and likability of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. However, (SPOILER, highlight blank to view) Downey does make an appearance as Tony Stark towards the end of Incredible Hulk, which is very fun. Plus, unexpectedly, the Leader shows up!! Still, one cannot deny the greatness of Iron Man, and it wins out in this particular head to head.

Here is the updated bracket:


Anonymous said...

(Spoiler Alert! For all you Spoiler pussies out there, shield your eyes. You bunch of "the destination is is more important than the journey" bastards!!!)

I have to say I disagree with you on this one my jackal-headed friend. Not about the hulk being good, because it was. But about the outcome of this first face-off.

I have to agree with all of the good points you give the movie. Its balanced very well (much better than I thought it would be, since I've seen this film as largely to the idiotic complaints that Ang Lee's Hulk had too much talk and not enough smash). I liked the addition of a meditative/martial art influence to Bruce/Hulk. And yes, despite my lukewarm feelings about Liv Tyler, she and Norton have great chemistry.

I think my favorite bit of action in "The Incredible Hulk" is the military attempt to capture the hulk on the college campus. That was just fun.

While Iron Man is beating the holy hell out of the Incredible Hulk in box office, I must say the Hulk always speaks to me on a more human level. Iron Man is great, and made me feel like the happiest geek on earth. But the Incredible Hulk made me feel like a giddy geek AND spoke to that turmoil inside of my (mostly) human heart. I felt that on all technical levels they are both equal movies, but on story...I think the Hulk trully did SMASH!!

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