"It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the juice of sapho that thoughts acquire speed, the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."
Here is one of my favorite quotes from the Siskel & Ebert year end review show circa 1984: “Wow that’s boring-I’ve had more fun with sand at the beach. I think it’s IMPOSSIBLE for anyone who hasn’t read the Dune books to follow what’s going on in the story, which is needlessly complicated. And then there is a whole layer of ugliness throughout the picture: a guy with boils all over his face, the ripping open of people’s chests, a premature birth of a baby and blood-why all that garbage? Dune is an unintelligible gross-out.” Siskel was such a tool. Chuckwilson
No shit. "think it’s IMPOSSIBLE for anyone who hasn’t read the Dune books to follow what’s going on in the story, which is needlessly complicated." Is he a mongoloid? It's not a very complex plot at all.
I'm a nerd in his mid twenties who works at a bookstore and wishes he got paid more. My ten favorite directors, in no specific order, are: Akira Kurosawa, David Lynch, Werner Herzog, David Cronenberg, Stanley Kubrick, Takashi Miike, Alfred Hitchcock, Dario Argento, John Carpenter, and Chan-wook Park. Oh, and Kathleen Kinmont is hot.
I am in turns an Iron fisted yet benevolent dictator, trying to rid the world of crappy and stupid people. On the flip side, I'm a giant uber-dork who loves movies, comics, music, and games. Oh and I'm an Aquarius, the mutant, so I'm hard to predict at times (particularly my tastes). So I hope you enjoy my reviews and rants, and if not you shall taste the sting of my Ironfury!
Here is one of my favorite quotes from the Siskel & Ebert year end review show circa 1984:
“Wow that’s boring-I’ve had more fun with sand at the beach. I think it’s IMPOSSIBLE for anyone who hasn’t read the Dune books to follow what’s going on in the story, which is needlessly complicated. And then there is a whole layer of ugliness throughout the picture: a guy with boils all over his face, the ripping open of people’s chests, a premature birth of a baby and blood-why all that garbage? Dune is an unintelligible gross-out.”
Siskel was such a tool.
No shit. "think it’s IMPOSSIBLE for anyone who hasn’t read the Dune books to follow what’s going on in the story, which is needlessly complicated." Is he a mongoloid? It's not a very complex plot at all.
Good words.
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